Fast, easy and safe
Buy, sell and swap Crypto




Buy BTC, ETH, USDT, LTC, SOL and other cryptocurrencies with over 300 payment methods
Trade lots of coins and tokens in ERC-20, TRC-20, BEP-2, BEP-20 networks
Make transfers without the risk of losing money
Low fees, fast transaction time, intuitiveness — these are the words of our clients
Frequently Asked Questions
We are trusted by ≈ 838 000 people. Our priority is safety, speed and profit. An indicator of the reputation and excellence of our exchanger is the successfully passed security assessment conducted by the Swiss company Kudelski Security. Our partners are popular crypto companies and NFT marketplaces. We never ask our clients to judge us on our winners, we ask them to judge us on our losers because we have so few
How to exchange?
How to make an exchange as safely and profitably as possible
Follow the simple steps
• Select the cryptocurrency you want to send
• Select the cryptocurrency you want to receive
• Enter your email
• Enter your cryptowallet address
• Enter promo code
• Enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to send
• Enter your captcha answer
• Click Exchange and then follow the instructions
What is a promo code and referral code?
What a promo code and a referral code do
A promo code is an alphanumeric combination given to a client in order to take advantage of a marketing promotion. In our exchanger a promo code is used to give a customer a bonus to buy/sell/exchange crypto. A referral code is a unique combination of numbers and letters used to identify members of a referral program and get the lowest service fee when buying/selling/exchanging crypto. Referral codes are assigned to each client (referral) as soon as he joins our exchanger.
How to contact contact technical support?
Where and how to go with questions and help
The fastest and most effective way is to email us directly on the site (the side button below), or on the support account on Telegram @zeus_sup. If you have any proposals for cooperation, then email to us at [email protected]
Safe, fast and profitable exchanger




Our exchanger is one of the best in the world. This is due to the presence of many certificates and customer reviews. People trust us and entrust their crypto to us
Zeus Exchange is the future
About us
Zeus Exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange company based at 71 King St, London, ON N6A 0A5, Canada. We are a team of motivated, entrepreneurial and responsible people. Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to cryptocurrency
Slogan — An advanced solution to modern problems
Impeccability. Safety. Quickness
Exchange Crypto




Exchange all the cryptocurrencies you need, such as BTC, ETH, USDT, LTC, SOL and others over 300 payment methods